The Program Educational Objectives have been formulated taking into account constituency needs and expectations, in order to provide students with an outstanding engineering education that allows them to achieve a fruitful and rewarding professional practice in a highly demanding workplace.
Taking into account the needs and expectations of constituencies and considering the accomplishments that naval engineers are expected to attain a few years after graduation, the Program Educational Objectives have been defined so that the graduates of Naval Engineering:
1. Technical Competence
Demonstrate a solid technical competence for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, planning and evaluation of naval systems in their diverse applications fields.
2. Adaptability and Achievement
Work and interact at the different levels of an engineering project, attaining proposed goals, and advancing in their field of professional development.
3. Leadership
Lead and proactively participate in multidisciplinary teams with an attitude toward the effective achievement of objectives.
4. Professionalism
Conduct themselves correctly respecting the standards and ethical principles of the profession, and projecting themselves as responsible citizens and professionals.
5. Continuing Education
Develop a continuous learning and training, assimilating the changes and advances in the profession, and completing specialization and postgraduate studies.