Autor: OGC


Student Project Contest 2018 I

Student Project Contest 2018 I Developing creativity and innovation for solving country problems and needs through Economics Engineering and Statistical Engineering


Student Project Contest 2018 I

Student Project Contest 2018 I Developing creativity and innovation for solving country problems and needs through Economics Engineering and Statistical Engineering


Students Training

Date: [tp not_in=»es»]Wednesday November 22, 2017[/tp][tp lang=»es» only=»y»]Miercoles 22 de Noviembre del 2017, [/tp],18:00 Hrs Place: [tp not_in=»es»]CEE Auditorium[/tp][tp lang=»es» only=»y»]Auditorio FIA[/tp]. Expositor: [tp not_in=»es»]Antonio Moran, Ph.D.[/tp][tp lang=»es» only=»y»]Dr. Antonio Morán Cárdenas[/tp]


Student Project Contest 2017 II

Student Project Contest 2017 II Developing creativity and innovation for solving country problems and needs through Economics Engineering and Statistical Engineering